+91 9702 305 681 / 9892 232 521
It is widely accepted that any successful varicose vein treatment requires good imaging in the form of colour duplex ultrasound scanning to accurately map the anatomy (what the veins look like) and the physiology (how they are working e.g. direction of blood flow).
Be particularly wary if you are offered surgery without first having a detailed colour duplex ultrasound scan. A simple hand held Doppler examination is not good enough. Even with the most innocent spider veins it is important to check for valve failure and reflux as management of any sort of venous problem which neglects to detect and treat underlying reflux will fail. There may be short term success but the problem will recur and get worse.
Colour Duplex Ultrasound is a painless quick and non-invasive test. It is essential even in cases where reflux at the commonest site is detected clinically as the colour duplex test can detect other important features like further refluxing segments and variants of normal anatomy which may well alter the optimum treatment plan.
DR.HIMANSHU IS specialists in their field and will exhaustively check all the veins in your legs to identify all possible underlying problems causing your varicose veins. Only then, will they be able to discuss with you exactly what the problem is and agree with you a firm and costed proposed treatment plan. 95% of our patients require EVLT FOR VARICOSE VEIN.
If you wish you can book in for both consultation and treatment at the same time.
As with the best traditional surgical techniques we aim to cure the problems by tackling the underlying causes. This entails elimination of the reflux and removal of incompetent veins and unsightly surfaced varicose veins. This is most commonly achieved with surgery by tying the main superficial vein and its branches at the groin, stripping the main superficial vein and picking out any small unsightly varices which remain. This common operation though very successful and until recently widely accepted as the best treatment available is far from perfect. General anaesthesia and some hospital stay are required some complications like bruising, infection, scars, numbness etc can occur, time off work is necessary and the symptoms and the varicose veins themselves often return.
Our techniques also eliminate reflux and remove incompetent veins and superficial varices just like surgery but, by being performed under image guidance using microinstruments through tiny pinhole incisions, this is achieved as an outpatient, without anaesthetic cuts or scars, with excellent success rates and patient satisfaction and instant return to work and play.